Our free intro sessions will help find the right fit with confidence
The 20-min intro sessions help new clients assess their fit with a potential therapist.
We’ve compiled some information to help you connect with your client over the phone and conduct a successful intro session. For questions not addressed below, please email us at support@joinreflect.com, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
While many of you have experience with consultation calls, please remember this process is slightly different because clients are going through the reflect matching process with multiple therapists.
The goal of this process is for you (the client) to talk to 3 different therapists to understand who you would be most comfortable with and which one can best help you.
Each of the therapists has been selected based on your matching survey results.
It’s okay if you don’t know what you need quite yet -- use this time to ask any questions
This call is meant to be an intro session, not a therapy session.
You do not need to make a choice at the end of this call. In fact, you won’t be able to make a decision until you’ve spoken to all 3 therapists
To take time after the call to think about this session and the others you’ve had or will have. It might be helpful to jot down a few quick impressions.
Once you are done with each of your 3 sessions, you will get an email from reflect within 3 days asking you which therapist you would like to select to move forward with for an in person 1:1 session.
Ask questions to help the client understand what they need. This is many clients’ first time trying to find a therapist and they may not know the differences between key industry terms (e.g., CBT vs. psychodynamic). Educate them. The more they know, the better decisions they can make about who is right for them.
Utilize the information given to you in the matching email about the client, inquire about their stressors, and convey how you might be able to help.
Be open and honest about how your practice is different (e.g., approach, orientation, etc Differentiation is the best way to ensure you’re attracting clients who will most benefit from your help.
A great match is most likely to happen when the client has a sense of who you really are. What would current clients say about you/what is it like working with you?
After each call, be on the lookout for an email from reflect once the client has made a decision.
If the client chooses you, you’ll receive a confirmation from Setmore with your first 1:1 scheduled appointment.
If the client has not chosen you, you’ll receive a notice from reflect to close the loop.
Note, some clients may take days or weeks to make a decision. Do not be discouraged if you don’t hear back from reflect immediately.
NOTE: these tips are meant to add to not substitute your typical screening process. You, as the therapist, are responsible for referring out in accordance with typical therapy code of conduct. Do any assessments you would in other private practice calls (e.g., around severity) and act accordingly (e.g., refer to pre-approved clinicians).
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